Compulsory Primary Education-Composition
Compulsory Primary Education
The meaning of compulsory primary education is that all the children upto the age of 10 must complete their education upto the level of class v. Its purpose is to impart knowledge of reading, writing and simple Arithmatic.
Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of poverty. No development programmer can attain success due to illiteracy. On the other hand education is the backbone of a nation. It removes darkness and enlightens mind. It development mental and moral faculties of human being. Proper education makes a man realize his ultimate aim in life. It helps a man enjoy a fuller and longer life. It also shows how malnutrition, hunger and disease can be overcome. Therefore, universal primary education has become a vital national issue.
Bangladesh is beset with many problems. So it is very difficult to educated all the people within a short time. A large portion of the children have not yet got the opportunity to go to primary schools. There are about 44000 primary school in our country which are not sufficient to provide accommodation for all the children. Moreover the poor and illiterate parent do not realise the importance of education. They engage their children in different work to earn money to support their family. Considering all these problems, primary education should be made free and compulsory.
In order to make the compulsory free primary education programmer successful we have to eradicate the problems that stand in the way of it. Firstly the parents should be made to realise the importance of education. More school should be established so that no student is deprived of having primary education.Poor students should be provided with books.
A real patriotic and dedicated politician can make history by bringing smiles to thousands of sufficient faces.Politicians make history. If I were a politician, I would try to do something noble to be a part of history. I do not like cheap popularity. I would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right out come would crown me with success. And what would be more right than doing welfare to people as a politician.