Female Education-Composition
Female Education
Education is light to which everybody has the equal right. Allah has a created bought man and woman equally and has not drown any distinct distinction between them. He has bestowed them with equal faculties. So there should be no difference of opinion regarding imparting education to women.
A good mother can produce a good citizen. In order to have to good citizens. female education is a must.
Female education is not a new think our country. Islam has encouraged education and training to woman folk. The prophet of Islam has made education compulsorily for both man an woman. Once Napoleon said". Give me a good mother and i will give you a good citizen". A good mother obviously means and educated mother. So its need no telling the importance of female education.
No nation can make real progress keeping a full half of its population in the dark.without the uplift women play and important the progress of the nation is not act all possible. Again without education woman cannot be elevated. So all out education should be important to the woman folk so that they me come forward and work hand and to hand with men and in all programmers.
All necessary steps should be taken to encourage universal female education it is happy news for us that our government has recently declared free and compulsory education for rural girls up to s.s.c. A country can not prosper if its women are kept ignorant. We need good wives and good mother to make our nation great.